Scrubbing: How to Use Scrub & Advantages of Scrubbing

What is Scrubbing?

Scrubbing is indispensable for healthy, radiant skin. Many problems arise when your dead skin closes the pores. You have to face problems like nail pimples, blackheads, whiteheads etc. due to closed holes. But facial scrub can help you to overcome these troubles. The scrub opens your closed pores and removes impurities from the skin.

We are happy to list the benefits for you and tell you how you do it, how many times a week you best work and what types of scrubs exist! 


Did you know that your skin cells are constantly renewing? Dead skin cells accumulate in this way and make your skin gray because your new cells are covered with a layer. Scrubbing removes that layer perfectly and does a lot of other things that are good for your skin.

Exfoliating is possible for the body and face, but note: you do use other products for it. The skin on your face is much thinner and more sensitive than, for example, the skin on your legs, so it is best to choose a mild facial scrub.

Benefits of Scrubbing or Exfoliating

There are many reasons to get a scrub at Home:

  • It removes dead skin cells and stimulates cell renewal, making your skin feel firmer, smoother and wonderfully soft;
  • It moisturizes  your skin better;
  • In the case of a facial scrub, it fights wrinkles, irregular pigmentation, and annoying pimples;
  • Body lotion and other care products are better absorbed by an exfoliated skin;
  • The skin tans more intensely ;
  • If you like to use self-tanner, a scrub ensures that you can apply the product more evenly;
  • It prevents razor bumps and ingrown hairs ( here’s why);
  • It is wonderfully relaxing, such a wellness moment for yourself!


Perfect exfoliation starts with a good product. At the bottom of this article you will find our favorites, but read these handy tips :

  • Make sure your skin is completely cleansed before you get started.
  • Always exfoliate on wet skin and make circular movements without applying too much pressure. Exfoliating should never hurt. Don’t scrub too long either: about half a minute per zone is enough, otherwise you risk damaging your skin.
  • Rinse your skin with (lukewarm) warm water.
  • Afterward, pamper your skin with a moisturizing product. Do not skip this step, otherwise, your skin may feel dry and tight afterward.

Tip! Also, exfoliate your lips. You remove loose sheets with it, make them feel silky soft, and because you stimulate the circulation, they get a deeper color. Ideal as a preparation for your lipstick. 


Exfoliating keeps your skin healthy provided you don’t overdo it. After all, exfoliating too much can damage your skin. Therefore, use your scrub only once or twice a week. For people with very dry or sensitive skin, twice a month is even enough. 


There are different types of scrubs:

The classic scrub with abrasive particles that exfoliate your skin. If you are a fan of this type of scrub, make sure that it is mild enough so that it does not damage your skin.

  • There are scrubs with salt: ideal for normal to dry skin. Salt restores the moisture balance of your skin and has healing properties.
  • Sugar scrubs are better for sensitive skin. They are slightly softer since sugar particles are often smaller than salt particles. Sugar naturally renews your skin.

The liquid scrub or exfoliate. It contains acidic ingredients that cleanse your skin from the inside out, without damaging the skin barrier. In this article, you can read all about it!

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You can also exfoliate with a special glove. In that case, scrub with the rougher fabric of the glove instead of granules. The disadvantage of this is that it does not have any caring properties, which you do have with a product. If you want to get started with this, it is best to apply a moisturizing oil or gel that makes exfoliating easier.



Do you prefer to make your own scrub? Then you need a granular ingredient. You can, of course, use sugar or salt, but ground almonds or oats also do well, especially if you naturally have sensitive skin. Do you suffer from varicose veins or cellulite? Then definitely try ground coffee.


If you have chosen the grain, you can think about a liquid base. Olive oil softens the skin, while honey cleanses, refreshes, and has an antibacterial effect. Also, almond oil is a good option, but it comes at a price you scrub.


You can also add a fragrance. Many scents are known for their beneficial effects: lavender relaxes, mint gives a refreshing and invigorating feeling and rosemary activates your brain. 


  • Once you have all the ingredients, just mix them in a clean, large bowl. Make sure your scrub is firm enough: the grain should be saturated with the liquid, but it should not be too runny.
  • Therefore, add liquid little by little until you get a perfect consistency. Half a cup of sugar with a tablespoon of oil is a good guideline.
  • Keep your scrub in a closed jar and stir it before use.
  • But above all: enjoy a wonderful care moment and that silky smooth skin afterwards!

Side Effects of Scrub

Excessive use of scrubs can damage your skin. Many people use the scrub more than the skin needs. Due to which many problems start to occur on their skin.

The scrub contains a variety of chemicals, mineral oils or synthetic which are extremely harmful to your skin. Especially when your skin is very sensitive. If any scrub causes any problem on your skin, do not use that scrub again, it may cause irritation on your skin.

Dr. Jayashree Sharad (Skin Expert) states that “The topmost layer of skin is a protective layer. If you scrub too much, it can damage the top layer of the skin and make the skin more exposed to sun rays.” Can not last long. This can cause tanning, rashes and sunburn on the skin very quickly. Also, the scrub cream can close the pores and cause whiteheads. “It is better to use a homemade scrub than using an outdoor product.”

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