What is Gorilla Glass? Advantages of Gorilla Glass

Do you know what is Gorilla Glass & How it can be beneficial for your Smartphone? Gorilla Glass is called the most powerful Glass. I know that all of you have heard somewhere about Gorilla Glass. If not then today we will learn all about this.

We can say that we are now in the early days of the Gadget age. Some years ago our computers and phones were not as portable as they are today. The use of instruments has increased so much that we are practicing them for almost all our work. It has become a part of our life.

Electronic things have been developed very much. The speed of the processor has increased a lot, such as the scientist ‘Moore’ had guessed. The screen resolution of mobile phones has also increased significantly and has become more attractive.

Nowadays, the company is investing more time into research and development of these things. Along with this, one thing has improved greatly, which we may not be able to pay attention to: and that glass has become more powerful now. So today we will learn about Gorilla Glass and its benefits.

History of Corning Gorilla Glasses

The story of the origins of Gorilla Glass is also quite interesting. It is made by mistake of a science experiment in it. It is a matter of 1952 when a psychologist placed a photosensitive glass in the furnace for a test in Corning’s Lab. And at that time the temperature of that furnace reached about 900 degrees Celsius.

Because of which all were thinking that the sample would have been wasted, but when the furnace was opened it was found that a glass sheet came out of the liquid glass. And when it suddenly fell on the ground, instead of breaking it bounced from the surface. Then who knew that those scientists have discovered a wonderful thing right in mistake.

The first version Corning Gorilla Glass 1 was launched in February 2008. After that, the company went to make it stronger and scratch-resistant. The newest version Gorilla Glass 5 was launched in July last year. It was first used by Samsung in his Galaxy Note 7 smartphone.

Tell you that Gorilla Glass is used not only for smartphones but also in the display of TV, Personal Commuter, Notebook, Smartwatch, etc. The company Corning‘ that makes Gorilla Glass, is making it stronger with each version. Today this glass is made in countries like America, Korea, and Taiwan, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Gorilla Glass

In the world, there are advantages and disadvantages to all the items. It also includes Gorilla Glass. So let’s know what is the Gorilla Glass’s advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Gorilla Glass

In the world, there are advantages and disadvantages to all the items. It also includes Gorilla Glass. So let’s know what is the Gorilla Glass’s advantages and disadvantages.

  • It is more powerful than the normal glass.
  • It is also a scratch-resistant.
  • They are also very beautiful in appearance.
  • It is much thinner than normal.
  • It has the power to handle more heat.

Disadvantages of Gorilla Glass

If I talk about the disadvantages of Gorilla Glass, it does not have so many disadvantages, but there are some things that can not be ignored so let’s know.

  • Creating them takes a lot of time and money, along with it is not so easy to make them.
  • More chemicals are used in their manufacturing.
  • The use of Gorilla glass makes Electronic devices costlier.
  • These are scratch resistant but it is not scratch proof.

Types of Gorilla Glass

Over time, there has been considerable development in Gorilla Glass. It has become even better to use it.

  • Corning Gorilla Glass 2

In early 2012, Corning launched Gorilla Glass 2, it was 20% thinner than before. The more the glass will be thin, the more it will be responsive and sensitive to touch. This increased their demand in the market too much.

  • Corning Gorilla Glass 3

Gorilla Glass 3 is also quite unique. In this, a new technology Native Damage Resistant (NDR) has been used by Corning, which has made it even more damage resistant, durable, tougher, and thinner than before. It is three times more robust than its earlier.

  • Corning Gorilla Glass 4

This Gorilla Glass is also stronger than it’s earlier and the Scratch Resistant. Its new feature is that it has passed many Drop Test passes. Even if it is thrown out of a decent height, it will not break. It has become more durable, tougher, and thinner than its former type. And this 80% of the time does not break in Drop.

  • Corning Gorilla Glass 5

This is the latest Gorilla Glass, which is the successor of Gorilla Glass 4. It is 4x more damage resistant, durable, tougher, and thinner. And the best thing is that it is very attractive so that the beauty of the Smart Phone also increases.

  • Corning Gorilla Glass 6

The team of Corning scientists further researched this Gorilla Glass and, finally, they launched a better version of Gorilla Glass 6. It has been engineered with a special dash to make it tougher and more durable. This new glass has undergone many new and rigorous test methods in labs after that it has been brought in for commercial use.

Speaking about performance, Corning Gorilla Glass 6 easily consisted of 15 consecutive drops, when it was dropped on rough surfaces above 1 meter and it is 2x times better than Gorilla®Glass 5. If the same test conditions are tested on other competitive glass compositions, then they can not handle the first drop too.

Gorilla Glass 6 Features

Gorilla Glass 6 has handled heights much better than if we compare it to Gorilla Glass 5. For all these features Gorilla Glass 6 is a very good choice & can be more beneficial for your new Smartphone.

Can Gorilla Glass & Dragontrail Glass be Scratched?

All of us already know that Gorilla and Dragontrail Glass are Scratch-resistant glass, not Scratch Proof Glass. There is a lot of difference between these two words. Resistant means that it can prevent Scratch to some extent, but Proof means that it will not affect Scratch at all.

This means that they can tolerate all these scratches to a certain extent but they can also be scratched to some extent after which they are scratched. So do not stay in this scandal, it’s completely scratch-proof.

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