Otsosuck Meaning – What Does Otsosuck Means & Definition?

If you are looking for what does Otsosuck mean, the meaning of Otsosuck, the acronym of Otsosuck, the definition of Otsosuck, the abbreviation of Otsosuck, then you are in the right platform because here we are going to provide you the Otsosuck slang meaning, the Otsosuck definition as well as how this slang word Otsosuck is used over the conversations.

What is Otsosuck? For what does Otsosuck stand?

The slang word Otsosuck stands for the “suck out”. “Otso” means “out” in Russian. So, Otsosuck is a combination of Russian and English words which are “out” and “suck”. This word became popular after Jacksepiceye’s Gym Simulator video with the title: “I Went To The Gym And Terrible Things Happened”.


How is Otsosuck used in the conversations?

Some of the examples of how the slang word Otsosuck is used over the conversations are:

A: Do you see that video? So weird.

B: Ya man, that Otsosuck.


A: I feel Otsosuck has been used inappropriately in Jacksepiceye’s Gym Simulator video.

B: Nope. I feel it’s OK

A: Whatever, I feel that’s not a good way to have a conversation with any girl in a gym as shown in that video.

B: Grow up man

A: Otsosuck


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