7 FAQs to Ask Before Rent a Car

Whether you are hiring a car for a business trip or you simply want to enjoy the freedom and comfort of driving your favorite vehicle to make your holiday break unforgettable, it is necessary to ask a few questions with the rental firm you have chosen to avoid future problems. 

Below I am sharing few critical FAQs everyone should ask before renting a vehicle.

Ask about the Documents?

In addition to driving license most of the vendors ask their clients to show other documents like auto insurance and ID card as proof of address. In case you are availing the services overseas, instead of passport clearly enquire them about the International Driving Permit. It totally depends on the state policies and the type of wheeler you are hiring. 

Openly Investigate about Quoted Rates in Offer?

As soon as you select a vendor, openly ask about their quoted prices to verify does it include all the taxes and fees or not. If their prices don’t include such charges, you will end up paying much higher than your expectations. Request them to add up all the surcharges and taxes to estimate the total cost. Also ask them to include pickup and drop-off location charges.

What are the Mileage Limitations?

However, most of the rental companies allow unlimited mileage of driving for the leased vehicle without any extra charges; some of the service providers charge extra fees to exceed the mileage of their allowed limit.

If you are at a car hire at Doha airport and renting an automobile for several days, then you should essentially ask about mileage limits and additional charges, if there are any. Consider hiring with dealers who are offering unlimited mileage and sufficient miles.

Do you need to Buy any Extra Insurance Coverage?

Almost all the rental dealers offer insurance against accidents and thefts. In addition to insurance, clients are also responsible to pay for any damages to the car. However, you should also check your personal auto insurance and credit card policy to find out, whether they provide coverage for rental automobiles or not. If they cover don’t purchase a policy from rental dealers. 

What is their Fuel Policy? 

Carefully check the fuel policy, companies offer different options. You can either choose a pre-purchased gasoline or you may fill up the tank on your own. Most of the companies ask their clients to return the automobile with the same amount of fuel, which is present at the time of pickup.

However, other dealers might ask you for a full or empty tank even. If they demand full tank, then fill it up before returning, as paying for the fuel is usually expensive as compared to filling up the tank on your own.

How they Compensate if the Vehicle stops on the Way?

Keeping their automobiles well maintained and functional is their primary duty; you must know your options. In case it breaks down on the way, what they will do to resolve the issue? Whether they replace the car or they rectify the issues as soon as you complain them.

Do they provide a free tow truck or they send a replacement on the spot? Most of the companies replace the wheeler initially, if you have identified any problem at the time of pickup. 

Do they Charge any Penalties on Returning the Vehicle Late?

Most of the dealers rented automobiles for daily basis; they ask you to charge for fines on making any delay in returning rented car. If you rent a car in Doha, Qatar and get the feeling that you will not be able to return on time, call ahead to extend the duration.

It will protect you from paying penalties which are usually higher than per day charges. However, companies do offer some grace period to facilitate their clients.  


These are few FAQs everyone should ask before renting a car not only to control the cost, but to also enjoy a pleasant drive without any conflicts. 

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